古本、雑貨等の販売をされている、ふるふる舎さん主催の読書と音楽のイベント「きりものつらら」の会場限定配布コンピレーションアルバムにトグチケンタさんとの曲で参加させて頂きました。10月25日 (日) 京都・恵文社cottageにて開催でされます。
About the show: http://goo.gl/ERgZSj
About the compilation album: http://goo.gl/bcsijR
I contributed my tune featuring kenta_toguchi for a limited free issue compilation album CD-R of a music and book show called "Kirimonotsurara" by a store "furufuru-sha" that is selling books, music and knickknacks. The show will be on 25 Oct. at college, Keibunsha, Kyoto, Japan.
About the show: http://goo.gl/ERgZSj
About the compilation album: http://goo.gl/bcsijR
I contributed my tune featuring kenta_toguchi for a limited free issue compilation album CD-R of a music and book show called "Kirimonotsurara" by a store "furufuru-sha" that is selling books, music and knickknacks. The show will be on 25 Oct. at college, Keibunsha, Kyoto, Japan.