今週9月14日(土)の25時よりFMおだわらの像の小規模なラジオさんにて、この度Stuck Labelより発売されますsima kim & ameican greenのmusic for dorothyから数曲オンエアされます。トークには今回お世話になっていますStuk LabelオーナーのNOGAWA kazuneさんがゲスト出演されています。おだわらFMの放送区域は神奈川県小田原市 および 南足柄市、箱根町、開成町、大井町、松田町、二宮町の一部となっておりますが、本放送はサイマルラジオ、そしてスマートフォンアプリTuneInでもご視聴いただけます。TunInでは録音機能もございます。放送はリアルタイムストリーミングのみとなっております。皆さん是非ご視聴ください。
A couple of songs from sima kim & american green - music dorothy will be on aired in this weekend 15th September. It'll start at 1am(JPN TIME) on Odawara FM's Zo no shokibo na radio. Our label owner NOGAWA kazune went to the radio program's recording for a talk. The program will be broad casted in Odawara City, Kanagawa prefecture with FM radio. But you can also listen to it on their internet radio. Or you can also listen to it with Smart Phone app TuneIn. Then search "FMおだわら", "像の小規模なラジオ". And TuneIn app is able to record the program. The program is live stream only, So don't miss it.
A couple of songs from sima kim & american green - music dorothy will be on aired in this weekend 15th September. It'll start at 1am(JPN TIME) on Odawara FM's Zo no shokibo na radio. Our label owner NOGAWA kazune went to the radio program's recording for a talk. The program will be broad casted in Odawara City, Kanagawa prefecture with FM radio. But you can also listen to it on their internet radio. Or you can also listen to it with Smart Phone app TuneIn. Then search "FMおだわら", "像の小規模なラジオ". And TuneIn app is able to record the program. The program is live stream only, So don't miss it.